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What is jaw joint Therapy ?

Clinic - Typical symptoms of TMJ disorders

  • Facial and jaw pain 

  • Difficulty opening mouth 

  • Joint cracking sounds 

  • Headache and Neck pain / Backpain 


Perhaps you also observe some of these symptoms, but have not seen them in connection with the chewing organ? We have compiled a Craniomandibular Dysfunction Questionnaire (in german) that will help you find many more ailments that you may also be watching.

What is Craniomandibular Dysfunction (CMD) ?

If you frequently experience headaches, mouth opening problems, or chewing or clicking sounds in the temporomandibular joint, you may be suffering from a chewing gland dysfunction called craniomandibular dysfunction.
The term consists of "cranium" = skull and "mandible" = lower jaw and refers to diseases that are related to the temporomandibular joint and the jaw muscles. This disease is quite common in our culture. Studies have shown that about 5 to 10 percent of the German population have symptoms of this disease. Interestingly, 80 percent of the patients are female. The disease usually occurs at the age of 20 to 40 years. The disease, referred to in the jargon as craniomandibular dysfunction (CMD), is neither malignant nor dangerous ("it makes you 100 years old").

However, these complaints are often associated with significant local pain in the chewing organ and lead to a significant impairment of the quality of life, if they are not treated successfully in time.

At the same time, interactions with other parts of the body can cause a variety of symptoms, ranging from neck pain, tinnitus and vertigo, to back pain.


The effect of physiotherapy on TMJ discomfort

At first glance, you would certainly associate TMJ pain with your teeth or primarily with dentistry.

But most do not realize that there are many reasons for jaw muscle and temporomandibular joint pain - and more importantly, that this pain can be treated with CMD as part of appropriate physiotherapy.

Naturally, the physiotherapist works closely with your dentist for successful TMJ therapy. Often, the therapist applies special manual therapy handles. On the one hand they relieve the pain, on the other hand they cause a mobilization, which helps against the possibly existing movement restrictions.


What is osteopathy ?

Life is movement.


The body works thanks to the ability to perform movements.
These are not just the known movements of joints, but also fine, rhythmic and unconscious movements of almost all body parts, body systems and organs.
For osteopathy, health is a kind of balance that has to be re-searched time and time again.
If the body can no longer establish this balance through loss of movement, then dysfunctions with the associated symptoms arise. These complaints can be felt everywhere, e.g. in the musculoskeletal system, organ system and in the craniosacral system.

An osteopath tries, taking into account the findings of anatomy and physiology, to stimulate the self-healing of these complaints again.
He does this after carefully examining the patient using targeted, gentle manual techniques.


Who is osteopathy aimed at?


Osteopathy is for all ages and useful for the following indications:



  • Cervical trauma

  • Dizziness

  • Pain between the shoulder blades

  • Shoulder / Elbow / Hand Pain

  • Groin / Knee / Foot Pain

  • Trijumalgia

  • Chronic sinusitis

  • Chronic bronchitis

  • Respiratory System Disease

  • Stomach and Digestive System Disorders / Intestinal Problems

  • Menstrual disorders

  • Headache / Migraine

  • Bladder disorders

  • Pregnancy disorders

  • Problems related to the Birth

  • Postnatal disorders

  • Newborn and small child treatment

  • Temporo-mandibular joint disorders

  • Cognitive disorders and concentration

  • Hyperactivity of the child

  • Allergies

  • Hormonal dysfunction

  • Hearing disorders

  • Sleeping troubles

  • Etc.


If you have questions about osteopathic treatments, please contact Paul Montagna.

Tel: 0763821175



What is Dry Needling ?

Very effective

Dry Needling is a very effective form of Trigger Point Therapy. Dry Needling is relevant for both myofascial trigger points and the fascia, where a specially trained practitioner needles a trigger point using sterile acupuncture needles.

The pin prick action stimulates the oxygenation of the contracted muscle fibers and the fascia, reduces inflammation, improves blood circulation and thus sustainably reduces the local tension in the tissue with long lasting results.

The pin prick into the trigger point produces a short contraction of the taut band, known as the local twitch response. The local twitch response is often described by patients as a pleasant "good pain" with a sense of release.



Dry Needling originated from clinical observations and studies treating trigger points using injections. Over time, evidence has shown that it was not the substance injected that was responsible for the release of the trigger point, but the accurate needling to the area.

The work of Karel Lewit (1916-2014), a Czech doctor who published in 1979 the article "The Needle Effect in the relief of Myofascial Pain" in the renowned journal "Pain", as well as the work of Dr. P. Baldry and Dr. C. Gunn in the eighties, served as the benchmark for the development of the Dry Needling concept.

In the early nineties Christian Gröbli and Ricky Weismann combined Dry Needling with Travell and Simons's findings of trigger point therapy and developed a systematic Trigger Point Dry Needling concept.

That method has since been continually developed and taught by the DGSA. Dry Needling is now an accepted successful technique that is used by practitioners worldwide in pain management.


Why respiratory muscle training?


Dear customers

Breathing is so natural that we usually don't even think about it. But once you have problems you know how life can change. Regardless of whether you are short of breath, overweight, back pain or sleeping problems - with the Idiag P100 you can strengthen your respiratory muscles and increase your
  physical ability  and thereby massively increase your  quality of life . 

The Idiag SpiroTiger has been known for many years for its diverse positive effects through respiratory muscle training. The Idiag P100 continues this success story with additional training options. It is the world's first respiratory muscle trainer that enables individualized strength, endurance and interval training.

Even if you are currently not allowed to train in our center due to the current situation, the Idiag P100 offers the ideal opportunity to carry out effective, regular training at home all year round.

Have we piqued your interest? Then write us an e-mail  

You are also welcome to make appointments with us for individual instruction in the future, so that you can train correctly from the start and use the training time effectively.

In the annex you will find all the important facts for the  BEST AGER  and for  SPORTSMAN .

Stay healthy and we look forward to be there for you. 
More air. More life. 

Your Physiotherapy Montagna team



Idiag Gesundheit P100

Idiag Gesundheit P100

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Idiag P100 Sport

Idiag P100 Sport

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What is vertigo therapy?

Therapy for dizziness and balance disorders


Symptoms of dizziness can be very annoying and unsettle those affected.

Everything turns or the ground sways, you don't even know why and you hope not to fall too!


The dizziness itself is a symptom that can have various causes.

For example, dizziness and impaired balance occur  with disorders of the vestibular system (inner ear and equilibrium nerve), with diseases of the central nervous system, the cervical spine can play a role (cervicogenic dizziness) and also the cardiovascular system.


We therefore use different approaches and measures in physiotherapy to treat dizziness and balance.


At the beginning there is assessment , which already provides indications of possible causes. With the help of various tests, targeted treatment options can then be selected  and an individual exercise program can be created.

Performing the exercises regularly contributes significantly to improving the impaired function.

It is also important to have good strength and mobility of the legs and trunk, coordination, a sense of feeling for the feet and a strengthening of the cardiovascular system.

We are ready to support you with the help of physiotherapy in all of these areas.



What is Tecar therapy ?

Tecartherapy eliminates pain and frees up movement to accelerate the rehabilitation process.

Entirely non-invasive. 100% natural.

Winback tecartherapy has three effects to accelerate rehabilitation.

It makes the plasma membrane permeable, stimulating intra- and extracellular exchanges.

Relieve pain 

Inhibits the transmission of pain messages by saturating nociceptors. The result? Immediate and lasting pain relief, allowing therapists to work deeper and more efficiently.

Study: Bretelle F, Fabre C, Golka M, Pauly V, Roth B, Bechadergue V, Blanc J. (2020) Capacitive-resistive radiofrequency therapy to treat postpartum perinal pain: a randomized study. PLoS One, 15(4):e0231869.4

Restore movement

Increases temperature helping to release muscle tension and improve vascularization to make movement easier. Gain freedom and range of motion.

Study: Lee H-r, Shim J-h, Oh D-w. (2017) Effects of high-frequency diathermy integrated into suboccipital release on tenderness and neck mobility and disability in people with chronic tension-type headache. Physical Therapy Korea, 24(2):37-47

Boost metabolism

Stimulates intra and extracellular exchanges. The natural resistance of biological tissues increases, creating diathermy which is used by the vascular/lymphatic system.

Study: Clijsen R, Leoni D, Schneebeli A, Cescon C, Soldini E, Li L, Barbero M. (2020) Does the application of Tecar therapy affect temperature and perfusion of skin and muscle microcirculation? A pilot feasibility study on healthy subjects. J Altern Complement Med, 26(2):147-153.

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